I know a guy whose book-reading wife died. Now, he’s with a woman who watches TV 12 hours a day. UH HUH
I knew an independent, self-employed guy who leveraged and lost half a million dollars in stock. Now, he works for a corporation. WELL
A friend of mine bought a late model car with a gas pedal that got stuck once, but that was months ago. OK
I know a guy who always wanted to have a hardware store. He has a hardware store. When he goes to New York, he visits hardware stores. RIGHT
A cannoli loving diabetic friend of mine died with one foot on. I SEE
I knew a policeman, who drank vodka and beer on the weekends. He dragged himself three miles in the desert after crashing his motorcycle. He was never the same. AH
I know a lad whose parents taught him to swim before he could walk. He got a four-year scholarship to high school for swimming. I UNDERSTAND
I know a guy who, when he was twelve, beat up his father to stop his father from beating him up. UH HU
I know a guy who taunted a football team until they took him behind the bar and beat him to a pulp. I SEE
I knew a conscientious teacher turned congressman, who went to Jonestown and got shot. REALLY
I knew a guy who met a cute girl who agreed to sail to Hawaii with him. As soon as they cleared the bar, she was sick all the way to Hawaii. OH DEAR
I knew a woman who fell in love with a guy who promised to leave her alone. They married, had a kid and he died. HUMM
I knew a teacher who had three lovers. One at home and two at school. UH HU
I knew an abuse counselor who was advised to shot off the legs of the husbands who came after her. HUMM
I know a guy who always loved to fix cars. He still fixes cars, but he has ten people to help him. WELL